Not only do we take pride in our products, but we pride ourselves on getting products to our customers quickly and securely. Our order processing time is approximately 3-5 business days but please keep in mind, we outside the US so shipping time varies by location. 


Shipping Rates


Shipping Method

Estimated Delivery Time


United States & Canada


5-10 Business Days

$10 USD

United States


3-10 Business Days

$10 USD



3-10 Business Days

$15 USD



3-10 Business Days

$15 USD



3-10 Business Days

Varies by Country


Delayed/Lost Packages

We want our customers to have a good experience and we strive for accurate and timely delivery. In the unlikely event that an error on our part results in a lost shipment, we will replace all items at no extra cost. We cannot, however, be held responsible for lost packages due to an incorrect mailing address provided by the customer. If a package is sent back to us due to an incorrect address, we will email the customer a store credit code of the cost of the product(s) they purchased. In addition, we cannot be held responsible for delayed shipping due to conditions beyond our control such as severe weather, service interruptions, federal holidays, etc.

If you believe your package is lost and you provided the correct shipping address, please contact us here.


Customs Duty

Shipment outside of the U.S may include additional customs fees. Customers are responsible for any applicable import duties, taxes, brokerage fees and additional customs fee upon delivery. These fees are determined by customs officials and are the responsibility of the buyer. If a package is returned to us because the buyer did not claim or pick up the package, we will only provide store credit for the product price.